Lab 2, geog 335 map

This map was created for the lab 2 project in the geography 335 class for the University Wisconsin - Eau Claire. The goal of this lab was to learn how to both download and map data provided form the U.S. Census Bureau website.

The methods or objectives followed included, downloading census data (2010) and a shapefile of Wisconsin's state and county boundaries (2010) from the U.S. Census Bureau website. From here the map and corresponding data was joined and mapped through ArcMap. Once completed, the finished map was then shared as a web map within the University Wisconsin - Eau Claire, geography and anthropology department website.

The finished maps show chosen variables within Wisconsin's demographic data from the 2010 U.S. census. The one on the right depicts total population by county whereas the one on the left shows the percent of householders that are between the age of 25-34 per total county householders. I chose this variable because I was interested in where a higher percentage of  people who are near my age are located verse the overall county population. What it showed was that the three counties with the highest population have the lower levels of householders within my age demographic, yet many counties with lower populations have a higher percentage of householders (ages 25-34).

Source: U.S. Census Bureau 2010
